Moj vikend u zemlji čudesa: Snimanje koncertnog albuma "2x2" grupe Pips, Chips & Videoclips
A photo book
Titled "Moj vikend u zemlji čudesa - Snimanje koncertnog albuma '2x2' grupe Pips, Chips & Videoclips" ("My weekend in the Wonderland - Recording of a live album '2x2' by Pips, Chips & Videoclips"), which is a homage to the official biography of the band ("Dugi vikend u zemlji čudesa" - "Long weekend in the Wonderland", by Ante Perković, 1997), this is a 40 pages photo book that contains colour and black&white photographs taken from the March 3rd till 5th of 2011 in Zagreb, plus features some previously unpublished photographs.
You can flip through the book or just order your copy at the Blurb website (softcover and hardcover both available).