Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf, Maribor (Slovenia), 01/02/2016
This has to be my shortest (and one of the sweetest) concert ever! :) Due to other obligations, I was late for the start and the band played around one hour, so I got only to see last few songs, sadly. Usually, I wouldn't even publish this as a blog post, since I don't feel I captured the full reportage of the concert I would like to, but since I was so delighted with the band, I'll do it anyways.
Short intro about the band, taken from their FB page: Cosovel's music is described as alternative pop, electronic, and indie-folk. The lyrics are Slovenian-English and Slovenian-Polish translations of poems by Srečko Kosovel – a modernist, expressionist, and dadaist poet from the early XXth century. The avant-garde and constructivist qualities found in Kosovel's poems are reflected as well in Cosovel mode of working – the translations are not literal, and an open-minded approach to the unique Slovene's poetry is signified by her name, a portmanteau of "Cooperation with Kosovel".
Basically, what I saw blew my mind on many levels - first, it's a Polish band and they sound really good! Not that I have anything against Polish bands, but I just didn't see a lot of them so far. Second, the trio is quite young and they sound really good! Not that being older means that you sound better, but still, they sound like a mature band. Third, the voice of Izolda Sorenson is just magical - early Björk comes to my mind. Forth, the whole idea of translating poems of one poet and making the music out of them in a different language could be quite tricky, but not for Cosovel.
So, to cut the long story short, I'm looking forward very much to see them live again, hopefully really soon! :)

Izolda Sorenson (Cosovel) @ Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf, Maribor (Slovenia), 01/02/2016 Photo: © Saša Huzjak

Izolda Sorenson (Cosovel) @ Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf, Maribor (Slovenia), 01/02/2016 Photo: © Saša Huzjak

Izolda Sorenson (Cosovel) @ Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf, Maribor (Slovenia), 01/02/2016 Photo: © Saša Huzjak

Izolda Sorenson (Cosovel) @ Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf, Maribor (Slovenia), 01/02/2016 Photo: © Saša Huzjak
Used gear (for photo geeks):
For more info, visit:
- Cosovel:
- Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf:
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