Best of 2016 in music photography
My personal concert and festivals photo favourites of the year 2016
Wow, time really flies at warp speed in 2016 - it seems like a did similar blogpost about some of mine favourite music images of 2015 just couple of month ago, and it's December again and the time for another annual recapitulation of the best moments :)
Speaking as a photographer, this year has been a bit slower for me, with less concerts and festivals. Mainly, for three reasons. First, our second son was born in April and family comes first :) Second, my other job as a web designer kind of got really big this year, so it needed more focus and time from me. And third, I started to work and do some other things in photography that have no connection with music, which is also quite time consuming.
Nevertheless, 2016 brought some new clients and, I dare to say friends, so although I shot less, I felt really good with the stuff I did.
The next year will probably see me back shooting more, and if all goes well, I'll have a big music related photo exhibition in January, but don't want to talk about it before everything is arranged and agreed with the gallery in question ;)
So, to wrap thing up, I'm posting, in no particular order, some of my favourite concert and festival shots of the year 2016 - hope you enjoy them!
Thank you all for your support, see you in 2017! ;)

Muškat Hamburg @ Solar Pulse Music festival, Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf, Maribor (Slovenia), 2016 Photo: © Saša Huzjak

Julijan Erič (Prismojeni profesorji bluesa) @ Festival Lent, Maribor (Slovenia), 2016 Photo: © Saša Huzjak

Marjan Stanić (Vasko Atanasovski Trio) @ Festival Lent, Maribor (Slovenia), 2016 Photo: © Saša Huzjak

Orlando Julius, as a special guest to Bixiga 70 @ Festival Lent, Maribor (Slovenia), 2016 Photo: © Saša Huzjak

Luka Tralić Shot (Elemental), greeting a fan @ RockLive 6, Šoderica, Koprivnica (Croatia), 2016 Photo: © Saša Huzjak

Rhiannon "Ritzy" Bryan (The Joy Formidable) @ KC Dražen Petrović, Zagreb (Croatia), 2016 Photo: © Saša Huzjak

Aleksander Kuzmić (Wild Strings Trio) @ Festival Lent, Maribor (Slovenia), 2016 Photo: © Saša Huzjak

Denis Jančič (Krokar) @ Solar Pulse Music festival, Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf, Maribor (Slovenia), 2016 Photo: © Saša Huzjak

The dinosaur - Tine Grgurevič (Bowrain) @ Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf, Maribor (Slovenia), 2016 Photo: © Saša Huzjak
Used gear (for photo geeks):
Must not be used without explicit permission.
If you would like to license any of my photographs to use either online or offline, order a fine art print of your favorite photograph or hire me to shoot your band or event please contact me.