Best of 2015 in music photography
My personal concert and festivals photo favorites of the year 2015
Since I started this website in 2011, I did an annual "best of" blogpost at the end of each year, recapitulating the highlights of the year which was soon to be over. As expected, this year is the same, I’m just few days behind than usual :)
So, without further ado, I’ll remember 2015 in a photographic sense by:
- In many ways, 2015 was a VERY busy year for me, especially last few months of it, which is the main reason my blog wasn’t updated as much as I would like it to be. Besides being a photographer and a web designer, this was my second year as a parent. And one of the best things about it is that it just puts things into perspective and makes important things some first :)
- Instagram? Hell, yeah! - I'm not really an early adopter of all new social media websites and that was one of the reasons I didn't use Instagram until this year. I just wasn’t interested in people’s over filtered phone images of F&F (food & feet) - because that is what I thought back then that Instagram is. But when I did gave it a second chance, I felt in love with it! To make things more interesting for me (and to force me to sort out my archive a bit quicker!), I’ve decided that I will have themed photo weeks on Instagram, posting one image per day, and showing not just my music related work but much more. Plus, I've discovered many talented photographers out there, which is always a good thing. My favourite social media of 2015, definitely.
- Personal photo projects? But, of course! - The importance of personal photography projects is really big, in my humble opinion and I was happy to finally publish two of my ongoing photographic projects that got some great feedback: "Fan(atic)s" and "Focused on LCD screen".
- Exhibitions? Checked! - Happy to had my photographs exhibited as part of a group exhibitions / art projects in Kragujevac (Serbia), Maribor (Slovenia), Vienna and Deutschlandsberg (Austria), plus I had a small solo exhibition in Zagreb (Croatia).
- Summer festivals? Bring it on! - After my first son was born in late 2013, 2014 meant less concerts and festivals for me. I did miss them, sure, but on the other hand, the love, happiness and good energy one gets from this little people we call kids is something just out of this world :) That said, 2015 brought back a fair share of great musical performances and my favourites: summer festivals! This summer I've done four of them in a form of a real rock'n'roll tour: four different cities in three countries in 21 consecutive days (to be honest, I had 2 nights off in that 21 days, but both of them included preparing for the next festival / traveling). The festival list included INmusic festival (Zagreb, Croatia), Flow festival (Ljubljana, Slovenia), Lent festival (Maribor, Slovenia) and Bažant Pohoda festival (Trenčín, Slovakia). And what a tour that was! :)
- Weddings? Sure thing! - This year also included my first wedding as a photographer - something I was reluctant to do for many years, but it turned out to be amazing experience and a great fun. Thank you Maja & Veco, you've been just great! ;)
- Movies? Finally! - Autumn brought another highlight - job as a film set photographer on a movie set of a new movie by a famous Croatian director Rajko Grlić! I have always been a big movies lover, so to be the part of a movie team was a dream come true! It was a fantastic experience that I'm just not yet allowed to talk too much :) More on that topic on my blog in the coming weeks ;)
- Clients? Thank YOU! :) - Same as the last years, I'm very grateful and privileged that I started some new and continued old clients relations (media, bands, promoters, festivals and organisations) resulting in my photos being published in numerous different magazines, books and websites throughout the world.
And, as usual, to finish another year in a proper way, photographically speaking, I'm posting some of my favourite concert and festival shots of the year 2015, in no particular order.
Thank you all for your support, hope to see you around in the 2016! ;)

Robert Levon Been (Black Rebel Motorcycle Club) @ INmusic festival, Zagreb (Croatia), 2015 Photo: © Saša Huzjak

Danilo Luković (Straight Mickey & The Boyz) @ Piše se leto, Festival Lent, Maribor (Slovenia), 2015 Photo: © Saša Huzjak

J. Willgoose, Esq. (Public Service Broadcasting) @ Chelsea, Vienna (Austria), 2015 Photo: © Saša Huzjak

Paul 'Drums' Reilly (The Mirror Trap) @ INmusic festival, Zagreb (Croatia), 2015 Photo: © Saša Huzjak

Watkin Tudor Jones a.k.a. Ninja (Die Antwoord) @ Bažant Pohoda festival, Trenčín (Slovakia), 2015 Photo: © Saša Huzjak
All photographs, unless otherwise stated, are the copyrighted property of Saša Huzjak. All rights reserved.
Must not be used without explicit permission.
If you would like to license any of my photographs to use either online or offline, order a fine art print of your favorite photograph or hire me to shoot your band or event please contact me.
Must not be used without explicit permission.
If you would like to license any of my photographs to use either online or offline, order a fine art print of your favorite photograph or hire me to shoot your band or event please contact me.