Benefit for Dvorana Gustaf
Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf, Maribor (Slovenia), 22/12/2012
Pekarna's Dvorana Gustaf is a legendary Slovenian and Maribor's underground club, as the whole complex of Pekarna, ex military bakery complex, is. However, underground culture means usually little money for organising the regular program and paying the monthly bills. Winter months are especially problematic, since the heating bills can get pretty big. The purpose of this benefit concert was exactly that - help the club to gather some funds for heating expenses.
Unfortunately, due to other obligations, I wasn't able to shoot all the artists that were performing that night (seven of them in total), but managed to get the great singer songwriter Tadej Vesenjak and very cool trans-galactic post rockers Coma Stereo.

Fan with Tadej Vesenjak on stage @ Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf, Maribor (Slovenia), 22/12/2012 Photo: © Saša Huzjak

Marko Širec (Coma Stereo) @ Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf, Maribor (Slovenia), 22/12/2012 Photo: © Saša Huzjak

Domen Repnik (Coma Stereo) @ Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf, Maribor (Slovenia), 22/12/2012 Photo: © Saša Huzjak

Tomaž Kurež (Coma Stereo) @ Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf, Maribor (Slovenia), 22/12/2012 Photo: © Saša Huzjak

Marko Širec (Coma Stereo) @ Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf, Maribor (Slovenia), 22/12/2012 Photo: © Saša Huzjak

Marko Širec (Coma Stereo) @ Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf, Maribor (Slovenia), 22/12/2012 Photo: © Saša Huzjak
Used gear (for photo geeks):
For more info, visit:
- Coma Stereo:
- Kikiriki:
- Tadej Vesenjak:
- Pekarna, Dvorana Gustaf:
All photographs, unless otherwise stated, are the copyrighted property of Saša Huzjak. All rights reserved.
Must not be used without explicit permission.
If you would like to license any of my photographs to use either online or offline, order a fine art print of your favorite photograph or hire me to shoot your band or event please contact me.
Must not be used without explicit permission.
If you would like to license any of my photographs to use either online or offline, order a fine art print of your favorite photograph or hire me to shoot your band or event please contact me.