UK's Practical Photography magazine features some of my festival photos
Monday, 21/03/2011

UK’s Practical Photography magazine (April 2011) features two-page spread of some of my live festival photos Photo: © Practical Photography
Just after slovenian photo magazine Digitalna Kamera featured some of my concert photos, I'm happy to say that the story continues. Latest issue of UK's Practical Photography magazine (April 2011) features two-page spread of some of my live festival photos.
The photos include Tricky, Flaming Lips and Lada Furlan Zaborac from The Bambi Molesters (all taken at Croatian INmusic festival, 2009 and 2010) and Jarvis Cocker from Austrian FM4 Frequency festival 2009.
You can find more about the magazine @
The only problem was Tricky - the strong violet and green color cast on the photography seemed to be, well, tricky for the print, so the colors in the magazine turned out pretty bad. I changed that picture here so you could see how it should be in the ideal world - just click on the small thumbnail.
Interview with Aram Bajakian in Premier Guitar magazine features my photographs of this great guitarist
Thursday, 31/07/2014
"From Lou Reed's last band to Diana Krall's quartet, this NYC guitarist always pushes boundaries—and himself", writes Adam Perlmutter
August issue of American guitar magazine Premier Guitar features an interview with Queens based guitarist Aram Bajakian, with two of my photos published in the article!
My Kate Nash photo published in Practical Photography magazine
Friday, 31/01/2014
My Kate Nash photo performs very well in Practical Photography's image critique section: "this is kind of exciting shot that you'd expect to see in a music magazine", says James Abbott.
My image of Warren Ellis on two-page spread in freshly published book Rock Country
Thursday, 12/12/2013
Lavishly illustrated book exploring the culture and the story of rock (and pop) in Australia
I'm very happy to see my photograph of Warren Ellis (Dirty Three, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds) on two-page spread in a freshly published book about Australian music scene called "Rock Country"!
N-Photo magazine publishes Skejtaj s srcem photo story
Thursday, 05/09/2013
Skate for life in UK's photo mag
September issue of the UK's N-Photo magazine published a two page photo story titled "Skate for life" about "Skejtaj s srcem" humanitarian project that we did in May this year, when Tomaž Praunseis skated through whole Slovenia in one week, to gather money for four families in need.
Festival Lent in July issue of Sinfo
Wednesday, 21/08/2013
July issue of Sinfo features an article about Maribor's Festival Lent - the festival I have been photographing this year as one of the official photographers.
My hospital photos published in latest ReFoto magazine
Monday, 15/07/2013
After Peta Pixel and Black & White Photography magazine, photos that I made with my iPhone during my recent hospitalization, have been published in the Serbian ReFoto magazine (issue 105).
My hospital photos published in Black & White Photography magazine
Tuesday, 25/06/2013
I am happy to see that my images taken during my recent hospitalization were published in the recent issue (July 2013) of the British Black & White Photography magazine!
Photographer profile of the week at Photography Monthly Magazine
Friday, 14/06/2013
British Photography Monthly Magazine featured an interview with me today on their website about my latest photographic project "Skejtaj s srcem".
Published in National Geographic Croatia
Saturday, 01/06/2013
My image "Desert caravan" was published last month in the regional edition of famous National Geographic magazine in Croatia (National Geographic Hrvatska, May 2013 issue).
My hospital eye on PetaPixel
Saturday, 11/05/2013
PetaPixel, a great online magazine for photography (known for their reviews and great inspirational articles, featuring many talented photographers), just published my article about falling in love in photography again.
Check out PPOTY 2012 finalists Top 20
Friday, 22/03/2013
Check out the free digital booklet showcasing the top 20 images in all PPOTY 2012 categories, there is some really stunning work there - happy to say see my two images included!
My image Desert caravan is a PPOTY 2012 finalist
Monday, 18/03/2013
Bodies in Urban Spaces gets into Street Top 20
April issue of the UK's Professional Photographer magazine brings the finalists of their Professional Photographer of the Year 2012 (PPOTY 2012) competition and I'm happy to say that my photograph is one of them!
Watching the music: my concert photographs in February issue of World Photographers Summit
Thursday, 01/03/2012
February issue of World Photographers Summit (WPS) features an article with my concert photographs taken at various concerts and festivals in the last few years.
B&W festival photos published in UK's Black & White Photography magazine
Thursday, 13/10/2011
November issue of the UK's Black & White Photography magazine features few of mine photographs from the different festivals I photographed in the summer of 2010.
Beyond thank you!
Monday, 10/10/2011
My photo to be published in the new book
Today I got the final email confirming that my photo "Thank you!" will be published in the new book called "Beyond", a yearly showcase of best photographs from the site.
Serbian ReFoto magazine on live music photography
Wednesday, 28/09/2011
October issue of the Serbian ReFoto magazine, probably the best photographic magazine in the former Yugoslavia region, features an eight page article on live concert photography, with my humble contribution.
FM4 Frequency festival 2011
Green park, St. Pölten (Austria), 18/08 > 20/08/2011
Biggest Austrian rock festival for the 11th time (my 3rd as a photographer)!
Terraneo festival 2011
ex vojarna Bribirski knezovi, Šibenik (Croatia), 09/08 > 13/08/2011
Summer eco music festival
The idea to have a rock festival on the beautiful Croatian seaside seems so logical, but it took some time to actually pull it. And, like Žika, singer of the great Croatian punk band Overflow eloquently said it, to have it in the ex military base where people were trained to kill, and now...The Bambi Molesters + The Penny Black Remedy
Teatar &TD, Zagreb (Croatia), 29/03/2011
Not even a month after I was shooting the concert in Zagreb which was filmed to be released as a live DVD, another Croatian band was doing the same thing. This time, The Bambi Molesters, a Croatian surf rock band, known worldwide!
Published in Digitalna Kamera, 2 page spread
Tuesday, 01/03/2011
Latest issue of Slovenian photo magazine Digitalna Kamera (#45, March / April 2011) features two page spread of my selected concert photos.