Serbian ReFoto magazine on live music photography
Wednesday, 28/09/2011

My photos in an article about live music photography (ReFoto magazine, issue 85) Photo: © Saša Huzjak

My photos in an article about live music photography (ReFoto magazine, issue 85) Photo: © Saša Huzjak

My photos in an article about live music photography (ReFoto magazine, issue 85) Photo: © Saša Huzjak
October issue of the Serbian ReFoto magazine, probably the best photographic magazine in the former Yugoslavia region, features an eight page article on live music photography.
Written by fellow photographer Paolo Bunčuga from Croatia, article titled "Energija žive muzike" (Live music energy) features some good advices on how to shoot live music. Few different photographers (Edvard Molnar, Paolo Bunčuga, Aleksandar Dunkić and yours faithfuly) contributed their concert shots with some concert shooting tips & tricks - six different concert photos, plus few tips, are my humble contribution to this feature.
E-book (p)review: Matthias Hombauer: Guide To Rockstar Concert Photography
Tuesday, 29/04/2014
Self published (PDF digital e-book), 2014
Exclusive preview of the ultimate manual for concert photographers, young and seasoned ones, that was published just few hours ago!
Guide To Rockstar Concert Photography e-book coming out tomorrow
Monday, 28/04/2014
Must have manual for all starting and feeling lost in the great world of live music photography
E-book by a friend of mine Matthias Hombauer called "Guide To Rockstar Concert Photography" goes out tomorrow!
My Kate Nash photo published in Practical Photography magazine
Friday, 31/01/2014
My Kate Nash photo performs very well in Practical Photography's image critique section: "this is kind of exciting shot that you'd expect to see in a music magazine", says James Abbott.
My image of Warren Ellis on two-page spread in freshly published book Rock Country
Thursday, 12/12/2013
Lavishly illustrated book exploring the culture and the story of rock (and pop) in Australia
I'm very happy to see my photograph of Warren Ellis (Dirty Three, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds) on two-page spread in a freshly published book about Australian music scene called "Rock Country"!
N-Photo magazine publishes Skejtaj s srcem photo story
Thursday, 05/09/2013
Skate for life in UK's photo mag
September issue of the UK's N-Photo magazine published a two page photo story titled "Skate for life" about "Skejtaj s srcem" humanitarian project that we did in May this year, when Tomaž Praunseis skated through whole Slovenia in one week, to gather money for four families in need.
Festival Lent in July issue of Sinfo
Wednesday, 21/08/2013
July issue of Sinfo features an article about Maribor's Festival Lent - the festival I have been photographing this year as one of the official photographers.
My hospital photos published in latest ReFoto magazine
Monday, 15/07/2013
After Peta Pixel and Black & White Photography magazine, photos that I made with my iPhone during my recent hospitalization, have been published in the Serbian ReFoto magazine (issue 105).
My hospital photos published in Black & White Photography magazine
Tuesday, 25/06/2013
I am happy to see that my images taken during my recent hospitalization were published in the recent issue (July 2013) of the British Black & White Photography magazine!
Photographer profile of the week at Photography Monthly Magazine
Friday, 14/06/2013
British Photography Monthly Magazine featured an interview with me today on their website about my latest photographic project "Skejtaj s srcem".
Published in National Geographic Croatia
Saturday, 01/06/2013
My image "Desert caravan" was published last month in the regional edition of famous National Geographic magazine in Croatia (National Geographic Hrvatska, May 2013 issue).
Book (p)review - Alan Hess: All Access: Your Backstage Pass to Concert Photography
Friday, 14/12/2012
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012
Definitely The Book for starting concert photographers, but as all of us photographers are learning new things along, I'm pretty sure that even seasoned pros will find something for themselves inside!
"Foto terapija u Tvornici", concert photography group exhibition in Zagreb
Thursday, 31/05/2012
This Friday in Tvornica Kulture, Zagreb, Croatia
After the successful 11th birthday celebration of the online magazine in Medika (Zagreb, Croatia) in February this year (read more about that event and my fruitful connection with which included concerts in two clubs and a concert photography group exhibition, the sequel is taking place this Friday. The town is the same, but the venue is different - it's Tvornica Kulture (Culture Factory), the biggest (indie) rock club in the Croatian capital.
Watching the music: my concert photographs in February issue of World Photographers Summit
Thursday, 01/03/2012
February issue of World Photographers Summit (WPS) features an article with my concert photographs taken at various concerts and festivals in the last few years.
"Foto terapija", concert photography group exhibition in Zagreb
Friday, 03/02/2012 turns 11 with big party & live music
To mark the anniversary of online magazine and celebrate out 11th birthday, we're making a party this Saturday, February 4th 2012 in Zagreb, Croatia with eight nine bands and two DJs performing live, plus an accompanying small concert photography group exhibition from our photographers (yours truly included).
Opening of group photography exhibition "Monochrome world" in Belgrade
Friday, 13/01/2012
"Monochrome world", group photography exhibition consisting of the best photos from the annual competition for Refoto Magazine, was opened last night in the Artget Gallery in Belgrade.
Monochrome world, group photography exhibition to be opened in Belgrade, Serbia
Friday, 06/01/2012
The best photos from the annual competition for Refoto Magazine
Big photographic exhibition that will feature selection of the best photos from the competition "Monochrome world" ("Monohromatski svet") of the Serbian photo magazine ReFoto will be opened on January 12th 2012 in the Artget Gallery.
B&W festival photos published in UK's Black & White Photography magazine
Thursday, 13/10/2011
November issue of the UK's Black & White Photography magazine features few of mine photographs from the different festivals I photographed in the summer of 2010.
Beyond thank you!
Monday, 10/10/2011
My photo to be published in the new book
Today I got the final email confirming that my photo "Thank you!" will be published in the new book called "Beyond", a yearly showcase of best photographs from the site.
UK's Practical Photography magazine features some of my festival photos
Monday, 21/03/2011
Just after slovenian photo magazine Digitalna Kamera featured some of my concert photos, I'm happy to say that the story continues. Latest issue of UK's Practical Photography magazine (April 2011) features...
Published in Digitalna Kamera, 2 page spread
Tuesday, 01/03/2011
Latest issue of Slovenian photo magazine Digitalna Kamera (#45, March / April 2011) features two page spread of my selected concert photos.