Pips, Chips & Videoclips’ comeback to Dom Sportova after 16 years (with my photo on the poster)
Monday, 04/08/2014
Pips, Chips & Videoclips are Croatian indie rock band (one of the best in this ex Yugoslavia region, in my humble opinion) that I have been listening and enjoying since their first album "Shimpoo Pimpoo" in 1993.
Fast forward today, and their upcoming big concert that will be held in Dom Sportova arena in Croatia’s capital Zagreb on December 6th is being promoted with few different posters, with some including my photos I took for the band during their great gig at festival Gričevanje in Zagreb in May this year. After they sold out the Tvornica kulture, biggest club in Zagreb, in November 2013, Dom Sportova is the next logical step.
Pips, Chips & Videoclips actually played there in 1998. after their third album "Fred Astaire". Now, sixteen years later and with another great album ("Walt") behind them, they’ll be here again. As every photographer know, it is a special joy to see your photo being used like a jumbo poster, especially for a band that you love! :)
Needless to say, I am very happy and grateful that I’ll have to opportunity to work again with the band and document this important performance for them and for their fans, for sure. Is this the best job in the world or what? :)