My Kate Nash photo published in Practical Photography magazine
Friday, 31/01/2014

My Kate Nash photo published in Practical Photography magazine (March 2014 issue) Photo: © Saša Huzjak

My Kate Nash photo published in Practical Photography magazine (March 2014 issue) Photo: © Saša Huzjak

Cover of the Practical Photography magazine March 2014 issue Photo: © Saša Huzjak

Kate Nash @ Bažant Pohoda festival, Trenčín (Slovakia), 2013 Photo: © Saša Huzjak
Happy to see the latest issue (March 2014) of UK's Practical Photography magazine with my Kate Nash photo in it!
It was published in the "Feedback - image critique" section of the magazine, where it performed very well. James Abbott, Practical Photography's technique editor and an editorial & advertising photographer, wrote: "Saša is a prolific gig photographer and this is exactly the kind of raucous shot you'd expect to find in the pages of Q and Mojo magazines - the singer belting out of tune, eyes closed in concentration." Well, thank you very much James!
The image in question was taken at last years Bažant Pohoda festival, that took place in Trenčín (Slovakia), which like I've said many times, is one of my favourite festivals of them all.
PS: To be fair with James who admitted that he had to Google Kate Nash, I'll admit I had to Google "prolific" and "raucous" :)