Interview with Aram Bajakian in Premier Guitar magazine features my photographs of this great guitarist
Thursday, 31/07/2014
"From Lou Reed's last band to Diana Krall's quartet, this NYC guitarist always pushes boundaries—and himself", writes Adam Perlmutter

My photo of Aram Bajakian in Premier Guitar magazine, issue August 2014 Photo: © Saša Huzjak

My photo of Aram Bajakian with Lou Reed in Premier Guitar magazine, issue August 2014 Photo: © Saša Huzjak

Cover of Premier Guitar magazine, issue August 2014 Photo: © Saša Huzjak
August issue of American guitar magazine Premier Guitar features an interview with Queens based guitarist Aram Bajakian. This great guitarist is well known for his cross genre performance, as he is regularly playing with different musicians and in different musical styles, which not many musicians actually do.
For example, Bajakian played with Diana Krall, he is a part of avantarde jazz ensemble Abraxas and he was in the last line-up of the legendary and now sadly late Lou Reed.
I feel very privileged to be a part of this story, as two of my photographs have been published in it - the first one was taken in February this year when before mentioned Shanir Blumenkranz' Abraxas performed in Maribor, and the second one shows Aram Bajakian as he backs Lou Reed during the Bažant Pohoda festival in Slovakia in July of 2012.
The article titled "Aram Bajakian: Navigating New Territory" is available on digital Premier Guitar page and on PG website.
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