Saša Huzjak photography - Maribor, Slovenia
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Saša Huzjak photography - Maribor, Slovenia

Photography portfolio of Saša Huzjak - live music, festivals, concerts, shows and more!

Concert photography workshop / Delavnica koncertne fotografije

Thursday, 08/08/2019

28 - 29 September, 2019, Maribor (Slovenia)

I’m very proud to announce Concert photography workshop that I’ll be having in late September in Maribor, Slovenia, organised by the great team behind WishCAM, Photographer search engine (the team who recently interviewed my for their great podcast) and Društvo Kreativni regenerator.

The workshop will last for two days, it will have a theoretical part in the daytime (my lecture about concert photography), shooting a concert in the evening (two great Maribor based bands - Okttober and Madame Brumowski), and discussing about the chosen images the next day. The workshop will be also a part of Festival of Photography Maribor 2019 (Festival fotografije Maribor 2019), that will take place in September in Maribor.

Note: the workshop will be held in Slovenian language, well, my version of it ;)

Concert photography workshop / Delavnica koncertne fotografije <em>Photo: © Saša Huzjak</em>

Concert photography workshop / Delavnica koncertne fotografije

Zelo sem ponosen, da lahko končno objavim novico o Delavnici koncertne fotografije, katero bom imel 28. in 29. septembra 2019 v Mariboru, v sodelovanju z odlično ekipo spletnega iskalnika fotografov WishCAM, kateri so me pred kratkim intervjuirali za njihov odličen podcast, ter Društvom Kreativni regenerator.

Delavnica bo potekala v soboto in nedeljo, s tem da bo sobota bolj intenzivna :) Prvi dan bomo imeli teoretični del o koncertni fotografiji, zvečer pa bomo fotografirali nastop dva odlična mariborska benda - Okttober ter Madame Brumowski. V nedeljo pa bomo pregledali in pokomentirali izbrane fotografije iz koncerta. Delavnica koncertne fotografije bo tudi del programa Festivala fotografije Maribor 2019, kateri se bo dogajal septembra v Mariboru - celoten program Festivala je še v pripravi.

Več o delavnici, ter o načinih prijave si lahko preberete na WishCAM strani. Upam, da se vidimo! ;)

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